Bachelor’s of Arts in Business Administration

Pursuing the Top-Up Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Program at SITAL College, has been one of the greatest decisions I have made in my professional life.
This program has helped to complement my profile in a significant way and increase my personal and professional potential. However, I could not have done this without the support I have received at this institution as an international student, which was beyond exceptional. I must commend the excellent quality of SITAL’s human resources, the teaching and its administrative staff. They provided assistance and guidance throughout the learning process, as well as post completion.
In light of the global pandemic, the transition from in-person learning to online classes was unfamiliar to me, nevertheless, the lecturers and faculty staff at SITAL College made the transition an efficient and effortless process. They continued to provide an incomparable level of support and dedication to student success of which I valued most.
This has been a memorable journey for me and my gratitude goes to all my lecturers for the commitment and the sacrifice to help me achieve graduating with Honors. This program allowed me to develop the knowledge and understanding on how to maximize my potential in order to market myself with a competitive advantage.
My success in this program facilitated the transition of turning my prospects into real opportunities.