Tourism BnB
Your guide to opening your guest house
Having the right knowledge and tools will bring your idea to reality.
This workshop will show you how to convert your apartment, house, annex, or that extra room to accommodate tourists. We will outline what are the meet basic requirements and quality standards that visitors look for.
Give that ‘Trini’ experience while keeping it professional.
What is covered?
• Answering foundation questions
• What is a visitor? How do they contribute to the idea of tourism?
• What is a Host Home and how does this fit into the accommodation landscape?
• About standards and security issues
Anatomy of host home living space
- Managing the living arrangements
- Becoming a World Class Service Provider
- Know your guests
- Building a relationship that lasts
- Data Collection
- Getting repeat visits
- Managing bad experiences
Marketing – online it!
- Options for getting your business known.
- Concepts of Trip advisor, Airbnb, and Social Media advertinisg
- About sites and attractions in Trinidad and Tobago
- Learn how you can give that ‘Trini’ experience
- Being an ambassador and a good host
The course is open entry, so students do not need any formal entry requirements to start.
Classes are run on Thursday evenings from 5:00 – 8:00 pm for 10 weeks.
Kindly contact us for the start date.
Kindly contact us for the start date.
Kindly contact us for the most updated fees. We have payment plans to suit individual budgets.
Students will receive a Certificate of Achievement once they have attended more than 75% of classes and have successfully completed the course work & assessment.
Students must pay the registration fee and submit a copy of one form of id - identification card, passport, driver’s permit or birth certificate.