Are You Cut Out for a Career in HR
Have you been looking at the career of a human resource executive and wondering whether you have the skills and the aptitude to handle this career? There’s no doubt that this profession is both challenging and rewarding, but there are certain traits or competencies that may make you more aligned to take up this role. Here are a few of them.
When you study human resource management in Trinidad or elsewhere, you will realize that social skills, or the ability to deal effectively with people, can be a great asset in this field. This is because an HR executive has to deal with multiple departments, vendors, employees, management, and new recruits entering the organization. Thus, apart from a pleasing and friendly personality, it helps to have an understanding of human psychology.
It is a common myth that human resource personnel do not rely on numbers. While there may not be as much number-crunching as the finance department, HR executives need to be confident in their numerical skills. While pursuing graduate or postgraduate education in Trinidad, try to include courses that allow you to expand your numerical skills. In today’s time, in addition to being social-media savvy, you may also be required to be computer literate and familiar with certain MIS systems, Excel, etc.
Communication skills
This is the hallmark of any good HR executive. Communication, it is important to understand that both written and oral communication are equally important. While taking courses to pursue your education in Trinidad, you can also look at ways to improve your writing ability, presentation skills, and oral communication. A course that offers human resource management in Trinidad will already have modules that will help you hone these skills for the future.